Alla inlägg den 25 september 2008

Av Stefan Andersson - 25 september 2008 20:32

Även David Korten sällar sig till dom som varnar för att gå de styrande till mötes i USA och låta skattebetalarna betala rånarnas illdåd så att dessa kan fortsätta sin tvivelaktiga verksamhet.
OCH !! Han är den andre som idag föreslår en ändring av bankväsendet så att staten ska sköta pengautgivningen.
Detta är kärnan av allt, själva roten till alla problem! Alla experter menar att detta är den stora lösningen, att staten ska ge ut pengar och inte privata banker.
ex. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

"The players and their apologists claimed they were creating wealth, providing market liquidity, increasing economic efficiency, and stabilizing markets. In fact, they created and profited from financial and real estate bubbles and debt pyramids that used borrowed money to create paper assets that became collateral for more borrowing to create more paper assets to justify compensation packages for themselves in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

It may be legal, but it is not wealth creation. It is an act of theft made possible by abuse of the legally sanctioned power of a private banking system to create money out of nothing and direct it to use by financial predators engaged in expropriating the real wealth of Main Street for exorbitant fees.

In 2007, the fifty highest paid private investment fund managers, averaged $588 million in compensation-19,000 times as much as average worker pay. They said they were worth it because they were so smart and productive. Now that their bets don't look so good, they think Main Street taxpayers should pony up to cover the losses of the firms they created to generate these handsome management fees.

Rather than seeking to restore the health of Wall Street's predatory private institutions, a proper plan would seek to rid Wall Street of its purely predatory elements while dismantling and reassembling its useable institutions to create a new system accountable to the needs of Main Street. Here are some of the basics.......
Perhaps the most important of all the needed reform measures is to make money creation a public function and strip private banks of their ability to create money out of nothing by issuing loans at interest against unsecured demand deposits.

These are not small steps. Their implementation would likely cause significant temporary disruption, but no more than the disruption that inevitably lies ahead if the current system of predatory finance remains in place. Use the trillion dollars to help the people who are creating real wealth and let the fat cat speculators take their lumps. Only a thoroughgoing redesign of Wall Street offers prospect of a real solution. Anything else is only a costly temporary band-aid."

Hela artikeln -

En mycket aktuell och mycket rolig video finns hos Motvallsbloggen, Subprime Crisis - Bird and Fortune.

Av Stefan Andersson - 25 september 2008 09:54

Dennis Kucinich kommer med ett förslag till hur man ska gå vidare för att få ordning på USA´s ekonomi.
OBS ! Som punkt nr. 16 föreslår han en reform av bank- och pengautlåningssystemet!


Dear Friend,

While Wall Street and the Bush Administration try to blackmail Congress into a $700 billion bailout for corporations that have shown zero concern about the plight of the American people through the last decade, I have been working on a comprehensive alternative. Today, I am releasing a plan for economic recovery that will provide not only economic stimulus, but also fairness for everyday people on every "Main Street" in America.........


16. Monetary Policy: It is long past the time that we looked at the implications of our debt based monetary system, the privatization of money created by the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, the banks fractional reserve system and our debt-based economic system. Unless we have dramatic reform of monetary policy, the entire economic system will continue to accelerate wealth upwards. I am currently working on drafting legislation for an 'American Monetary Act' to address these and other issues in order to protect the economic wellbeing of America.

En videointervju från juli-08 med Kucinich finns HÄR.

William Greider i The Nation 24 sept. hoppas att staten tar tag i situationen ordentligt.

"If Paulson's gamble fails--just as possible--then maybe government will finally undertake forceful intervention rather than friendly solicitude for Wall Street. Washington should literally take control of the banking and finance sector and employ its emergency powers to oversee and direct these private, profit-making enterprises. If any bankers do not wish to play, cut them off from any public assistance (and wish them good luck). Then government can exercise temporary supervisory powers that force banking to cooperate with economic recovery by sustaining lending and investment to the real economy. Washington can put profit on hold.

Order full stop to the many financial gimmicks and accounting illusions that led to inflated lending and falsified asset valuations. Unwind the complicated time bombs known as credit derivatives and shut down this lucrative line of business. Meanwhile, instead of throwing millions of homeowners and debtors out of their homes and into bankruptcy, hold them harmless temporarily so people can work out reasonable terms for recovery. Finally, force-feed new life into the real economy with government spending on public projects and capital formation. How much spending? Rescuing America from irresponsible Wall Street is worth whatever it costs to save the bloodied bankers."

En insiktsfull beskrivning av bakgrunden till den nuvarande situationen, på svenska, ger Palanthiren:

"Under 1990-talet så har bankerna byggt upp en jättelik derivatbubbla, likt pyramidspel som hela tiden måste matas med mer och mer pengar för att inte falla ihop."

"Vi har nu nått den punkt där vi inte överlever med en sådan girighet ibland oss, och vi måste därför ändra oss i grunden.

I stället för att lyssna till bankirism och ekonomers vanföreställningar om det goda samhället, som egentligen bara vill dra individerna ned i djupet för egen nyttas vinning, så måste vi våga erkänna att vi har betett oss som rena dårar i obetänksamhet.

Bankerna må ju ha gjort detta mot oss, men vi hade hela tiden haft ett val, och vi tillät detta att hända oss, och vi hjälpte dessutom faktiskt ofta till, genom att girigt stödja och uppmuntra detta galna system."


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