Direktlänk till inlägg 30 september 2008

mer om krispaket

Av Stefan Andersson - 30 september 2008 08:33

Dagen innan krispaketet röstades ner i USA gav Ellen Brown sin syn på saken. Hon påpekar t.ex att de 700 miljarder dollar som skulle användas skulle komma att lånas ut av de privata bankerna och skattebetalarna skulle få betala ränta på dessa för att rädda bankerna!

"Today in most countries, money is created privately by banks when they make loans; but the banks create only the principal, not the interest necessary to pay the loans back. The interest must be borrowed into existence, continually increasing the money supply, in a Ponzi scheme that has reached its mathematical limits.

The latest desperate proposal for propping up this collapsing system is to deliver $700 billion of taxpayer money to ex-Goldman Sachs CEO Henry Paulson to buy unmarketable derivative paper from the banks, shifting the loss on this dodgy paper from the banks to the taxpayers.

Seven hundred billion is just the opening figure; losses on the imploding derivatives pyramid could wind up being in the trillions. And where will this money come from? It will no doubt be borrowed into existence from the banking system. We the people will be in the anomalous position of paying interest on a debt to the banks to bail out the banks! At the very least, doesn’t it seem that the banks should be paying interest on the $700 billion to us?

Rather than propping up an unsustainable system with taxpayer money, it may be time to let the private money-making scheme collapse and replace it with something better...."

Hela artikeln - www.webofbdebt.com

Ellen Browns bok Web Of Debt kommer ut på svenska om tre veckor, kan beställas HÄR.

Ur det engelska förordet:

"By exposing the present unsustainable situation, it is a first step toward loosening the malign grip on the world held by a very small but powerful financial faction. The book can serve to spark an open dialogue concerning the most important topic of our monetary system, one that is practically off limits today in conventional economic circles due to intimidation and fear of the consequences an honest discourse might bring. Brown is not afraid of stepping on the black patent leather wingtips of the money power and their academic economist servants. Her book is a raised clenched fist of defiance and truth smashing through their finely spun web of disinformation, distortion, deceit, and boldfaced lies concerning money, banking, and economics."

Fler kommentarer om krisen.

Dennis Kucinich:

"Är det här USA's kongress eller är det styrelserummet hos Goldman Sachs?"

"Är det inte dags för en grundläggande förändring av vårt skuld-baserade monetära system, så vi kan bli fria från Federal Reserve's och bankernas manipulerande?"

Richard Cook:

"FINALLY, someone said "No” to the criminal gang that runs the U.S economy when the House voted down the Bush-Paulson $700 billion Wall Street bailout plan by a vote of 228-205.

...behind all the exoticism is the debt-based monetary system run by the banks who own the Federal Reserve, because it is these banks that provided the leverage for it all to happen. It’s the banks that leveraged the bubbles—the merger-acquisition bubble, the dot.com bubble, the housing bubble, the commercial real estate bubble, the equity bubble, the hedge fund bubble, the derivative bubble, the commodity bubble, and on it goes."

Björn Elmbrant, Dagens Arena:

"Wall Street skickar notan till Main Street"


    Kom ihåg mig



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