Direktlänk till inlägg 1 mars 2009


Av Stefan Andersson - 1 mars 2009 21:25

Nu är det nog tid att samla alla goda krafter. Samtidigt som jag skulle vilja att vi dansar på gatorna för att den onda maskinen gått in i väggen så finns det all anledning att oroa sig för vad "de bakom scenen" har på gång, och i den offentliga debatten finns ju inget som helst tal om något alternativ.

Så här säger Richard C Cook 28 feb:

"According to the Washington Post, the Big Three automakers are now facing a "bottom-up" collapse of their component supply lines if their vast network of suppliers doesn’t receive new federal loans within a week. Worldwide the situation is just as bad. The U.N.’s International Labour Organization reports:

"What began as a crisis in finance markets has rapidly become a global jobs crisis. Unemployment is rising. The number of working poor is increasing. Businesses are going under.” "
"The day of reckoning is here. So don’t worry, Mr. President. It’s not your fault. When the collapse takes place the international bankers who will take over might even let you keep your job."

Om det finns någon det är värt att lyssna på, förutom t.ex Richard Cook, när det gäller pengar och ekonomi så är det Bernard Lietaer. Han presenterar i två nya artiklar sin syn på situationen och hur den bäst ska hanteras.

Från del 1:

"The next logical phase in this systemic crisis is now unfolding on automatic pilot. Whatever governments do, the banks and other financial institutions will want to cut back drastically on their loans portfolios wherever possible, in order to rebuild their balance sheets after huge financial losses. This in turn will weaken the world economy to the point of a recession, which in turn, will strike the banks' balance sheets, and so on, down a vicious spiral towards a possible depression. Thus, while cutting back on its loan portfolio is a logical reaction for each individual bank, when they all do it simultaneously, it deepens the hole that is being collectively dug for the world economy and ultimately for the financial system itself."
"Nationalizing the money creation process itself is an old proposal, if much less conventional approach, that reappears periodically in the "monetary reform" literature, particularly during periods of major banking crises, such as the one we are facing now. For historical reasons, the right to create money was transferred to the banking system as a privilege, originally to finance wars during the 17th century. So, contrary to what some people believe, our money isn't created by the governments or the central banks, it is created as bank debt. When banks are private, as they are in most of the world, the creation of money is therefore a private business. If the banking system abuses this prerogative, this privilege could or should be withdrawn. The logic is not new: money is a public good, and the right of issuing legal tender belongs at least theoretically to governments."
"This would definitely make systemic banking crises a problem of the past. It would also make it possible to re-launch the economy through a large-scale Keynesian stimulus at a much lower cost to the taxpayers, given that the money thus created wouldn't require interest payments to be reimbursed in the future."

I del två förklarar han varför han är så stark förespråkare för parallella, komplementära valutor.

"The good news now is that we know a lot more than in the 1930s, and that we have many more tools available than even a decade ago. Consequently, it is now possible to identify the deeper underlying systemic causes as well as a new way to deal with them. Furthermore, this new way is one that governments can afford, and that actually addresses a number of other social and economic issues that exist even when there is no financial crisis.

At first sight, it may not be the bankers' preferred solution, but it would actually stabilize their own portfolios while structurally stabilizing the economies of the world. It would also give them a whole new line of business, in activities that would be particularly attractive for local and regional banks.
Introducing such a systemic solution is the only way to avoid periodically repeating the banking-crisis exercise, which all conventional approaches are condemned to do because they deal only with some of the symptoms, and not the cause."


    Kom ihåg mig



Av Stefan Andersson - 23 augusti 2009 07:35

Krångel igen, kommer inte åt min nya blogg - fritenk.wordpress.com - trodde att wordpress var pålitligt. Det senaste inlägget var det här:Översättning från en amerikansk blogg - swineavianfluthestorysofar.blogspot.com. Jag vet inte vad NHS är.  "Jag...

Av Stefan Andersson - 22 augusti 2009 08:02

Det pågår en konferens i Washington med planering inför influensan. Man planerar för massdöd, masstransporter (till vad? fångläger?) mm. Man har tydligen bestämt sig för att ställa till med kaos. Även om man har olika planer för olika länder så finns...


Av Stefan Andersson - 15 juli 2009 17:25

Om det finns någon som hänger med i mitt hoppande mellan olika bloggställen så har jag idag startat ännu en ny sida! - fritenk.wordpress.com -      stan.myhood.se är alltför opålitlig, jag blir återigen stoppad från att komma dit med Firefox, med IE...

Av Stefan Andersson - 14 juli 2009 09:37

 Ligger det något i detta så är det ju oerhört alarmerande!   birdflu666.wordpress.com The "swine flu” or novel H1n1 virus is an artificial virus just like the "bird flu”. Both these viruses were developed with the assistance of WHO. A...

Av Stefan Andersson - 13 juli 2009 07:28

Gjorde för några dagar sen ett inlägg om den modiga österrikiske journalisten Jane Burgermeister som stämt bl.a. WHO för att planera massmord med svininfluensa-vaccineringen. Detta kanske är en bagatell, en oviktighet bland andra händelser! Ingen ...


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